
Access to Images and Reports

Clearview Radiology aims to provide a service that is tailored to the needs of both patients and referrers.

Accordingly, we provide a number of methods for referring doctors to access their patients’ reports and images. Our friendly staff will be pleased to discuss your requirements with you, and save your preferences in our system. One off requests for particular modes of report / image delivery can also be accommodated, and can be noted on the referral form.

Report Delivery

Referrers can receive reports through any of the following channels:

  • Secure electronic report delivery via Health Link
  • Faxed reports

Electronic Access to Images and Reports Via Voyager

Please contact our clinic to obtain a User Name and Password to gain online image access via the Links below.
Referring doctors may access images and reports via Voyager. As this is the same platform that is used by our radiologists when reporting examinations. This provides referrers with unparalleled functionality and clarity while also being user friendly. Images and reports may be accessed through any of the following:

Voyager Zero Print Viewer

(For Windows, MAC, Android & Apple Devices)
(Recommended for General Practitioners)

For access via an internet browser (e.g Internet Explorer / Edge, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Safari, etc.)
(No download required)

Voyager DICOMt Viewer (For Diagnostic Use)

(Recommended for Radiologist / Surgeon / Specialist)

For a complete diagnostic level program, select this link

App Mobile Access

Apple iPad or iPhone compatible version
Recommended for Apple mobile access of images and reports
Link will take you to App Store

Referral Forms and Pads